Let your QHHT / BQH session begin now by following the guidelines
- Please prepare a list of questions that you would like to ask your higher-self/higher-conscious/inner-self/inner-wisdom . It could be about your life path/life purpose, career, relationships, family, recurring dreams and even curious questions like meaning of life that sort of thing. If you come with many questions, we’ll see if we could group them and ask what you feel is most important. During the pre-talk you may of course add on the questions. It is important to have questions because it is a bit like doing Google search. There is so much information but you won’t get any of it unless you type something in the search box.
- Please prepare separately a list of symptoms that you might be experiencing. Anything at all that you would relieve of from your body, even excess weight or imperfect eyesight. Anything is possible. I also like to ask the subconscious to give advice on clients’ diet and lifestyle in order that the clients can become the most healthy they can be.
- Pay attentions to dreams, do you see pictures? Are the pictures vivid or blurry? Do you feel the pictures rather than seeing them? Do you hear, smell or feel in your dreams? This will assist you to get an idea how the images would appear for you during the induction, which is similar to how you dream. It’s also good practice anyway to pay attention and record your dreams because these often could be messages from your subconscious.
- Do some visualization exercise. For example, see yourself eating a meal at a memorable day, can you see the food in front of you, the people around you, how does your surrounding look like, do you feel emotions that you had on this day? No need to stress about this though, most of us have day dreamt before and day dreaming is actually visualization too. It’s all very simple!
- Please bring some snacks with you. The session can often be quite long, 4-5 hours and sometimes longer than that. You are welcome to have a snack during the session and it’s good too to eat something at end of the session.
- Allow ample time for the session. I know it says 4-5 hours on the Prices page but I always prepare for special cases and let the session be as long as it takes. I understand time is precious, please know that your healing time is the most precious time.
- Last but not least, please have no expectation. Some people want to be someone important, or have past lives experience like in Dolores Cannon’s Convoluted Universe Series. Your higher-self will take you to the place that is the most important for you to see to learn from.
On-line BQH session
Please make sure that you have fast and reliable internet connection, headset with mic that you can use with your laptop/tablet/smartphone.
During the pre-talk, you can of course sit in your most comfortable place and you may or may not want to use the headset. During the actual session, you are required to be lying down in your bed or on the sofa if you sometimes like to take a nap there. You may also sit in a reclined position if you find it more comfortable that way. Please make sure that you can set up your device in a way that the screen can capture your face including both eyes and your upper body, and that the headset cable is long enough for this arrangement. We will spend a few minutes at the beginning of the session to see if the arrangement works well.
Please send payment in full via paypal before the day of the session. I will send you the link when we confirm our appointment. Please also send the list of question/symptoms before the session so that I can download it before we start.
What happens during a QHHT / BQH session
The session is split to two parts: the pre-talk and the induction.
During the pre-talk you will tell me what you would like to achieve through QHHT/BQH, your life right now, what’s happening in your life, your relationship, career, important memories, whatever you would like to share with me. I would like to get to know you so as to better facilitate the hypnosis portion of the session. If time permits, we might already start the pre-talk during the QHHT/BQH Let’s Chat! session.
We will also go through your lists of questions and symptoms. I need to know as much as possible the relevant detail about you because during the hypnosis, I will talk to your higher-self on your behalf and seek healing for you.
We will talk about your experience with hypnosis and past life regression, if you have any. I will then tell you a bit about this QHHT/BQH method and explain to you what’s going to happen so that you can fully relax into the experience.
The pre-talk will last about 1.5 hours or more depending how much you would like to share with me.
The hypnosis will be around 1.5 to 2 hours unless the higher-self needs more time to complete the healing process. During the induction you will lie down comfortably on a bed. You will take your shoes and even socks off if you like. Please wear comfortable clothes for the session.
Most people are aware what happens during the hypnosis, however, it is often like dreams which fade away quickly as we wake up. The whole session will be sound recorded and I will send you the file soon after the session.
After the hypnosis we will briefly talk about your experience and some of the highlights of the session. I will keep you for 15-30 minutes for this to make sure that you are fully awake and are ready to go back to the real world again.
Post QHHT/BQH Chat
We will meet again in about a week’s time to talk about your QHHT/BQH experience, the changes you are experiencing since the session and any questions you have. This is to help you further integrate with all the learning and healing you receive during and through your QHHT/BQH session.
The Post QHHT/BQH Chat session is a free service for clients who have had a QHHT/BQH session with me.