Dive right into the TDR inquiry process by scheduling a Free TDR Introductory Session with me now >>> https://thelovingenergy.as.me/TDRIntro
How I became a The Divine Reveal facilitator
I was asked repeatedly by clients, colleagues and friends why I’m adding another service on top of my existing ones. Here’s my answer: I didn’t plan it! I didn’t see it coming even though I did sign up for the The Divine Reveal course!
It is one of those synchronicity thingies that started all because of a taboo word that I’ve always wanted to casually include on my pages – poo.
Back in 2016 before I wrote my post ‘Why are mosquitoes?’, I asked my colleagues their thoughts on the subject in a practitioners’ forum. Malka Ahern, whose posts and comments often inspired me, wrote, ‘Mosquitoes are weird. Do you know they never poop?’
I had a vision of children version of Malka and I squatting in front of a pile of poo and poking it with sticks. This vision sparked a joyous feeling within me as I immersed in the space of childlike innocence, curiosity and comradeship.
In 2018, when Malka was seeking volunteers for her Quantum Health: The Divine Reveal (TDR) project, I was like, ‘Me, me, me!’ It was such a fascinating and helpful experience that I blogged it here. (Note: TDR has evolved since the publication of this post. Please keep reading for the most updated information.)
Two years later, Malka was guided to teach this young modality. Once again, I signed up because I enjoyed journeying with Malka. I was not after another certificate. What I was after was that joyous feeling from childlike innocence, curiosity and comradeship, which I didn’t get right away. After wanting to give up many times over a 2-year period, those feelings finally rekindled. You do receive what you wish for and so much more.
During most of those 2 years, I had no notions of offering TDR for real. Too hard! So many types of sessions! So many skillsets required! But that has changed once I started my case studies. Why? Because I cannot think of anything more invigorating to do than to journeying with my clients to the Space of Infinite Whole* to reconnect with their magnificence.
**Infinite Whole is the main impression of my own TDR sessions. Some other descriptions I heard from others who have gone through the TDR process are Infinite Love, Grace, Euphoria, Home, Quantum Playground, Explosion of Lights, Oneness, Source Love. I wonder what is yours?
My TDR session was profound. Stephanie carefully guided me into what I can only describe as a quantum state, where I felt at peace, powerful and expanded. In this state I was able to explore problem areas in my life, and examine them in a new light, from a higher perspective. Since the session ended I feel more deeply connected to my body and spirit. I’ve had improvements in physical pain, emotional wellbeing, and spiritual clarity. I would highly recommend this session to anyone who’s interested.
LeMar, lawyer

What is The Divine Reveal (TDR)?
The Divine Reveal is a young quantum health modality created by Malka Ahern. TDR may refer to both the modality which comprises a series of sessions (AKA TDR process), and the hypnosis/guided meditation session where the practitioner guides their clients to a realm similar to where Anita Moorjani was during her Near Death Experience (NDE) that she detailed in her book Dying To Be Me.
All TDR sessions are conducted online via Zoom.
Here Malka Ahern, the founder of TDR, talks about what inspired her to create this unique modality.
What’s so special about Anita’s NDE?
After battling with cancer for 4 years, Anita slipped into a coma and doctors thought she was going to die soon after. Instead, after an NDE, she woke up feeling euphoric and had a speedy miraculous recovery which was medically documented.
Hm… how did she recover?
During her NDE, Anita had an experience as her pure essence, the part of her which is pure and untouched amidst all of her symptoms and past traumas. In this realm of Oneness with Source, Anita knew that she could become whole and healthy again if she chose to come back to living. And she did!
Do I need to be very ill in order to sign up for TDR?
Absolutely not! You do not need to be dying to experience your pure essence in the realm where Anita was. You don’t even need to have any notable physical symptoms – some ex-clients signed up purely for spiritual advancement.
TDR process and sessions are articulated to go deep down to the problem one is facing. I found the process very helpful in using the technique of the programme to resolve my problems, under the guidance of Stephanie. My main issue was not being able to go deeper in meditations and letting go of the emotional trauma of losing my husband. Stephanie led the sessions by following the process and giving examples. As I was doing the exercises for homework by asking myself the questions. I was letting go of my belief systems. The meditations orchestrated by Stephanie’s soft and gentle voice brought a sense of peace and relief. I continued using the scripts for meditations, hence I have started going deeper in meditations everyday. I enjoy meditating every night. Look forward to meditating everyday and during the day I find myself in the state of being in oneness. The state I always was looking to be in. Thank you Malka,for birthing “TDR” and engaging Stephanie as my facilitator with such a gentle and soft voice, an asset to TDR.
Love and Light,
Su, business owner
Quantum Health… What’s that?
Often people see health as being free of physical symptoms. Quantum Health refers to health on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, energy and spiritual. All these levels are interconnected. For example, when a person has migraine; they cannot think as clearly as usual; they might feel frustrated with work or chore that they have to do; they might feel lethargic; it is a challenge to connect spiritually through meditation.
‘A series of sessions’… What do you mean?
TDR is not a single-session type modality. When you sign up for TDR, you are signing up for the whole package which typically lasts for 6 to 8 weeks. It IS a commitment. Therefore, we provide Introductory Session and Dying To Be Me Book Discussion as your inquiry process which is completely free of charge. After that, you will have necessary information to decide if, and when, you want to engage in the whole process.
The TDR process comprises the following sessions:
- Introductory Session
- Dying To Be Me Book Discussion
- Preparation Session #1
- Preparation Session #2
- Preparation Session #3
- The Divine Reveal
- Follow-up Coaching Session #1
- Follow-up Coaching Session #2
- Follow-up Coaching Session #3
- Support Group x 13 Weeks
During the Introductory Session, you will learn more in depth regarding the TDR process and receive answers to the questions you might have. There will be absolutely no hard-selling involve because TDR involves commitment and actions towards change and is not for everyone.
The next step is to obtain a copy of Anita Moorjani’s Dying To Be Me, and attend a Book Discussion session after you have finished reading or listening to it. The Book Discussion session is also free because it is part of your inquiry process in deciding whether TDR is a right fit for you currently.
To all of those considering choosing to invest in a session, it is worth it. Please do yourself the favor. Words cannot entirely convey what I want to express, however I will try. This is a situation where you will need to be present and focus on yourself. You will learn more about yourself and learn to let go of what you no longer need, as well as see new truths about your own life, perhaps even learning to be in a whole new way. Stephanie is magical, and sees beyond and through our constructed walls and programs, and offers much wisdom and perspective. Her focus on myself, my needs, and my growth was 200%. The TDR program she has facilitated has been so very transformational. She has greatly assisted my journey and I will be forever grateful for her. 🙏🏻
Tara, art teacher
Why do I need to read a book? And Book Discussion… Whatever for?
TDR is created based on Anita Moorjani’s journey as detailed in her book Dying To Be Me. Understanding and integrating Anita’s experience and learning through her NDE can significantly effect the outcome of your TDR session. This process (reading the book and having a discussion) is geared towards enabling you to have the best outcomes possible. In fact, the book discussion session is such a vital step that you can attend a second one free of charge if you find it helpful. Often, clients observe shifts within them through reading the book and attending the book discussion sessions.
What about all those other sessions?
Similar to how Anita made a personality shift (she became herself, as the book title suggests) and lifestyle change, we observe that a TDR experience can lead to major shifts for clients. The Preparation Sessions are for preparing the clients to have an optimal TDR experience as well as getting ready for change through engaging in a variety of simple exercises.
The Divine Reveal session is when we guide the clients to a realm similar to where Anita Moorjani went during her NDE and have an experience as their pure essence and their relation to Source/God/Creator.
During the Follow-up Coaching Sessions, we assist the clients to further integrate their experience into their new self.
And Support Group? Why would I be needing support after such a phenomenal experience?
When Anita came back to living and healed herself of cancer, it was not the final chapter. In fact, it was a brand new beginning for her. Since recognizing her magnificence, she no longer fit into her former life. Fortunately, she was guided to connect with people who had similar experience, whom she could relate to.
Similarly, at TDR Support Group, you will meet kindred souls who have gone through the TDR process. During each meeting, there is a guided meditation which further assists you in your new journey.
13 Support Group meetings (over 13 weeks) are included in the package. You can earn an additional free 6 months by attending 10 out of the 13 weeks.
Stephanie is one beautiful, kind and caring soul with a big heart who holds space beautifully and makes you feel ever so welcome and safe.
I really enjoyed reading Anita Moorjani’s book and discussing it in preparation of the TDR session itself.
I also really appreciate the support group because of the sense of community, the meditations and the opportunity to share with like-minded souls in a safe space.
Ariane, Germany
Do you have a question?
The above were questions I had asked Malka myself. Do you have any other questions? You can either ask me via email at Stephanie@TheLovingEnergy.com, or, schedule an Introductory Session with me through using this link.
I look forward to seeing you soon!
“I Knew, but Didn’t Realize the Importance”
A big debt of gratitude goes to Stephanie for all her time and attention to personalize my experience. I think of myself as an analytical person and sessions like these in the past haven’t seemed to phase me, until Stephanie walked me through the TDR process. Yes, most all the things she taught were very familiar to me, but until I really took the time to participate in the conversations, do the exercises and integrate the homework in preparation for my session, did I recognize the importance of them.
Stephanie’s sweet, patient and non-judgmental personality allowed me to always feel like I was moving towards the goal, even though I’d forget to do some of the exercises and homework. Not only did my TDR session highlight my blockage and next step in evolving spiritually, but Stephanie’s intuitive nature also picked up on exactly what I needed to integrate from my experience and incorporate that in our session follow ups.
Since my TDR session and follow ups have been completed, I still listen to my session recordings over and over again. I have found it easy to get right back to where I was in my session to explore more, experience more and gain further insights. My spiritual growth and expansion continues as I integrate the insights I’m receiving on an ongoing basis.
I highly recommend Stephanie for assisting you in revealing The Divine within you.
Lori, dune buggy coach
Dive right into the TDR inquiry process by scheduling a Free TDR Introductory Session with me now >>> https://thelovingenergy.as.me/TDRIntro
Or contact me via email at stephanie@thelovingenergy.com