Hello! I’m Stephanie.
The Loving Energy Newsletter Dragon Issue #4

The Loving Energy Newsletter Dragon Issue #4

Posted by on Jun 15, 2024 in Newsletter

Audio version available by clicking the button below Audio version available by clicking the button below 1. Hello Sun! Hello Everyone! Welcome to The Loving Energy Newsletter Dragon Issue #4! Soon as I published the last newsletter, I asked The Spirits what this issue would be about. They said ‘Sun’ while putting a bright sun […]

The Loving Energy Newsletter Dragon Issue #3

The Loving Energy Newsletter Dragon Issue #3

Posted by on Jun 11, 2024 in Newsletter

Audio version available by clicking the button below Audio version available by clicking the button below 1. Hello Sweetness Hello Everyone! Welcome to The Loving Energy Newsletter Dragon Issue #3. 3 is my birth month* so I would like to tell you about my birthday last month. As usual, PhotoMan, my husband, asked me in […]

The Loving Energy Newsletter Dragon Issue #1

The Loving Energy Newsletter Dragon Issue #1

Posted by on May 29, 2024 in Newsletter

Audio version available by clicking the button below Audio version available by clicking the button below 1. Hello Dragon! Hello Everyone! Welcome to The Loving Energy Newsletter Dragon Issue #1! Today we have entered the auspicious year of the Dragon! I wish you 龍馬精神Dragon Horse Essence God, 行運一條龍Walk Luck One Streak Dragon. Essence of God makes Spirit, 龍馬精神Dragon […]

Our Family visit at the Lasinthos Eco Park at Lasithi Plateau, Crete

Our Family visit at the Lasinthos Eco Park at Lasithi Plateau, Crete

I never thought much of any theme parks that do not feature a roller coaster but a chance visit to Lasinthos Eco Park changed my view. PhotoMan* was called to do his Super Hero Photography Thing there and was invited to stay overnight. Since pets and family are welcome at their apartments, Deka, our dog, […]

Ashtanga Yoga Retreat on the White Mountains (Crete):  Goodbye Excess Baggage!

Ashtanga Yoga Retreat on the White Mountains (Crete): Goodbye Excess Baggage!

Posted by on Oct 17, 2020 in Greece Travel Diary, Methods, Random Thoughts

PhotoMan and I joined Nektarios’ Ashtanga Yoga Retreat on the White Mountains on the 18th to 21st of October, 2019. Took me exactly one year to blog it! Sitar Player + Crete = White Mountains Joining Nektarios Mitritsakis at his Ashtanga Yoga Retreat on the White Mountains was like fulfilling a prophecy. When my husband, […]

Ziros and Xerokampos (Eastern Crete)

Ziros and Xerokampos (Eastern Crete)

Posted by on Oct 3, 2019 in Greece Travel Diary, Learning to be Greek

PhotoMan and I continue to explore Crete our island (yes it’s ours!) and when we had a free weekend in August, we decided to visit the beaches at Xerokampos (or Xerokambos) which is in the south east corner of Crete. We stayed at a village called Ziros which is about half an hour’s drive from […]

Agios Pavlos and the Sandhill beaches (Crete)

Agios Pavlos and the Sandhill beaches (Crete)

Posted by on Aug 29, 2019 in Greece Travel Diary, Learning to be Greek

My friends and family who visited Crete all found the size of this island a bit overwhelming. I feel the same! The word ‘island’ describes Crete accurately but in truth, Crete is like a whole country. PhotoMan (my husband) and I are determined to explore our island as much as we can. It was our […]

Apokries – the Fun Bits and the Why Not Bits

Apokries – the Fun Bits and the Why Not Bits

Posted by on Mar 19, 2018 in Greece Travel Diary, Learning to be Greek

I named one of my Facebook pages Learning to be Greek because a lot of Greek culture and traditions are still a mystery to me. A fine example is Apokries. The first time my husband told me about Apokries was when we came across people dressing up in costumes on the street, when we first […]

Sitia Σητεία (Eastern Crete) – Lukewarm Heaven!

Sitia Σητεία (Eastern Crete) – Lukewarm Heaven!

As the subtle charm of Sitia finally seeped through me, a line from a Talking Heads song came to mind – Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. From Expectations to Confusions I arrived at Sitia with high expectations. The articles I read online all talked about Sitia people being the kindest and most […]

Richtis Gorge Φαράγγι του Ρίχτη (Eastern Crete) – Easy???

Richtis Gorge Φαράγγι του Ρίχτη (Eastern Crete) – Easy???

My friend Agent Q and I decided to walk the Richtis Gorge trail during her recent holidays in Greece because we wanted to visit the waterfall. We read up some online information as well as reviews in order to prepare ourselves. We got quite confused by what we read, particularly because this trail is considered […]