Hello! I’m Stephanie.
Victoria my neighbourhood – Athens’ hidden treasure!

Victoria my neighbourhood – Athens’ hidden treasure!

(Please scroll down if you just want to find out some places of interest in Victoria) ‘You can’t live there!’ For many Greek people, Victoria is one of the dodgiest areas in Athens. My husband and I have gone through a lot of mixed feeling for this area from the moment we moved in just […]

The Mountain Men of Mount Parnassos Part 2

The Mountain Men of Mount Parnassos Part 2

When we arrived Aegli Hotel, it wasn’t the beautiful black and white tiles nor the elegant marble table that caught my attention, but the rows and rows of trophies. Before disappearing to his job, my husband pointed out the Olympic torches to me. Olympic torches? I was confused… I followed my husband to this job […]

My curious experience with Siyanda Massage

My curious experience with Siyanda Massage

Posted by on May 5, 2017 in Healing Methods, Random Thoughts

My recent experience with Siyanda Massage was one that was the most curious and rewarding at the same time. Over the years I’ve become weary of massages. Back in my flight attendant days, I used to have massages in Hong Kong as well as when I flew to places like India or Indonesia where I […]

The Mountain Men of Mount Parnassos Part 1

The Mountain Men of Mount Parnassos Part 1

Mountain Man #1 Giorgos Korodimos During another of my husband’s work trip to Arachova, I met two interesting men who both felt much connection with the mountains. I named both of them Mountain Man. I’ve been asking for quotes from various businesses in order to organize a retreat type of tour happening in this region. […]

Healing Journey with Gong Sound

Healing Journey with Gong Sound

Posted by on Feb 22, 2017 in Healing Methods

Finally I had my first Gong Bath experience! Since my singing bowl lesson I’ve been fascinated with sound healing. While in London I noticed Gong Bath events popping up on my facebook feed and I had been wanting to experience it, but then all the traveling and the move to Greece got in the way […]

Arachova and Around!

Arachova and Around!

Part 1 – Arachova, Distomo, Delphi and Antikyra in Spring My husband said most people who came to Greece for holidays, they often would visit the acropolis in Athens and then onto one or two islands but what they didn’t know was that mainland Greece had a lot to offer too. I was very lucky […]

The Broccoli Whatever Soup

The Broccoli Whatever Soup

Posted by on Jan 4, 2017 in Recipes

My lovely friend is doing this Veganuary thingy which means that she’s going to be a vegan for the whole of January. She said on facebook that she had no idea what she would be cooking tomorrow so I thought I would give her one with this post. I said in the Overcooked Beans post […]

Man, Wife and Dog

Man, Wife and Dog

Posted by on Dec 30, 2016 in Random Thoughts

It’s been freezing cold in Athens and as I was reminiscing the glorious weather in the summer months, I remember the encounter with this villa owner, his wife and their dog. This is an example how a family can benefit change together, as we affect and are affected by the ones closest to us the […]

Alexander Technique

Alexander Technique

Posted by on Nov 14, 2016 in Healing Methods

I love exploring what wellness methods are out there because I’m curious. I also like to get a taste of these methods myself so as to find out how they work in order to tell my friends and clients about them, as well as to become a better instrument myself to carry out any sort […]

Brain Gym® – 4 simple steps to help you stay focused

Brain Gym® – 4 simple steps to help you stay focused

Do you sometimes feel there’s so much noise around you, or inside your mind, that you can’t focus? Do you feel lack of energy often even when you had plenty of sleep? Would you like to learn some simple steps that would help you feel better? These 4 simple steps are taken from Brain Gym® […]