Lina Ramchand and her Self-Study Guide Reflections
Since receiving Lina Ramchand’s Reflections, I’ve been using it as a self-study guide with remarkable results. I set out to write a book recommendation but because it is such a rare privilege to have met the author in person, I included snippets of our interaction in this article as well. My first encounter with Lina […]

Ashtanga Yoga Retreat on the White Mountains (Crete): Goodbye Excess Baggage!
PhotoMan and I joined Nektarios’ Ashtanga Yoga Retreat on the White Mountains on the 18th to 21st of October, 2019. Took me exactly one year to blog it! Sitar Player + Crete = White Mountains Joining Nektarios Mitritsakis at his Ashtanga Yoga Retreat on the White Mountains was like fulfilling a prophecy. When my husband, […]

Steps to stay away from depression from depression’s point of view
Even though the title brings attention to depression, the suggestions given in this article can be helpful for anyone who wants to have more joy and peace in their lives. I debated whether to title it ‘Steps towards Happiness’ which highlights the destination and seems more appropriate for its positiveness. I decided against it because […]

Is Depression a ‘thing’?
My first encounter with Natural Healing Methods ‘Do you know you have depression?’ My Kinesiologist asked me after doing some checks in the Kinesiology way. At the time I had no idea what Kinesiology was or how it worked, even after reading everything from this Kinesiologist’s website several times. That was also my first encounter […]

Emotional Recovery Time: how to leave negative emotions behind as quickly as possible
This article was first published at Healthy Living London which contains many great articles on all health related matters even for people who live outside London. Much gratitude to Eliza Flynn for being the greatest editor! It’s normal for us to have negative reactions to things which happen to us, but how can we move on from them as quickly […]

Perfect Attendance
Today I went to yoga class with a heavy heart. I’ve been going to the same yoga class every Tuesday and Friday morning and I love it. The teacher is nice and so are my classmates. It is more than an exercise class for me. It’s like a social gathering with people who share my […]

Tree Game – a simple grounding exercise for daily use
Sometimes I tell my clients about this grounding exercise. This is my preferred way as I like trees and it is so simple that everyone can easily do it, including my 9 year old nephew. One afternoon while in Melbourne for the Christmas and New Year break, I was sitting inside the family holiday home […]