Hello! I’m Stephanie.
Meeting Landscape Woman and Good-Work Man at Michalis Maniadakis’ Little School of the Earth

Meeting Landscape Woman and Good-Work Man at Michalis Maniadakis’ Little School of the Earth

Posted by on Nov 13, 2021 in Greece Travel Diary, Human Stories

It was Open Farm Day in Greece. PhotoMan (my husband) and I went to Michalis Maniadakis’ eco farm at Kalessa which is about 20 minutes from Heraklion (the largest city in Crete) to attend his seminar. I thought I would be bored because it was in Greek* but I enjoyed every moment and unexpectedly learnt […]

Dr. George Vardakis The PAction Man

Dr. George Vardakis The PAction Man

Posted by on Aug 26, 2021 in Greece Travel Diary, Human Stories

Upon meeting Dr. George Vardakis, I created a new word: PAction. Passion + Action = PAction /ˈpakʃən/ Passion? Since living in Greece, I came across many loud Greek men. Some of them told me that they were not loud but passionate. I became curious about the true meaning of passion, and if it’s true that […]

Hara Katsiki Online Workshop Trilogy

Hara Katsiki Online Workshop Trilogy

Posted by on Aug 7, 2021 in Healing Methods

This year I attended three workshops by Hara Katsiki and I would like to talk about them here because they were all excellent. The workshops were titled Embody the Higher Self, Fountain of Youth and Group Regression Workshop. From the titles one wouldn’t think they are connected and therefore shouldn’t be regarded as a trilogy. […]

‘I saw nothing!’ – My sorry tale at a Judy Hall Crystal Workshop

‘I saw nothing!’ – My sorry tale at a Judy Hall Crystal Workshop

Me too. I saw nothing! Sometimes clients ask me how to connect with the other realms. Some of them have been doing all sorts of practice but still, nothing. I’m willing to share what I know but where to begin? There are different kind of senses, and there are so many different ways of practising. […]

Birth of PhotoMan at the Himalayas

Birth of PhotoMan at the Himalayas

Posted by on Jun 3, 2021 in Human Stories

I often refer to my husband Kosta (Konstantinos Anastasakis) as PhotoMan because I believe even the most ‘regular’ human has Super Power and Super Hero names give me giggles. Here’s the story of how Kosta discovered his Super Power. What would you do at your darkest moments? When you are in despair, when your whole […]

Lina Ramchand and her Self-Study Guide Reflections

Lina Ramchand and her Self-Study Guide Reflections

Posted by on Mar 19, 2021 in Book recommendation, My Magical World

Since receiving Lina Ramchand’s Reflections, I’ve been using it as a self-study guide with remarkable results. I set out to write a book recommendation but because it is such a rare privilege to have met the author in person, I included snippets of our interaction in this article as well.  My first encounter with Lina […]

Hara Katsiki and her Intuitive Session Part 2: Rat, Rain and Rainbow

Hara Katsiki and her Intuitive Session Part 2: Rat, Rain and Rainbow

Posted by on Dec 28, 2020 in Healing Methods, My Magical World

Previously, I talked about Hara Katsiki and her Intuitive Session. Now, let me share with you some of what actually happened in the session. It’s personal but I decided to share because I believe the same challenges are encountered by many and someone somewhere might find it useful. The Mystery of a Murdered Rat The […]

Hara Katsiki and her Intuitive Session Part 1

Hara Katsiki and her Intuitive Session Part 1

Posted by on Dec 28, 2020 in Healing Methods

Recently there was this unexplainable pain in my left forearm. As usual I treated myself with the healing tools that I gathered over the years but nothing seemed to work. After an one-hour long deep meditation, I realized I needed some human assistance. My dear friend and colleague Hara Katsiki appeared in my mind and […]

Ashtanga Yoga Retreat on the White Mountains (Crete):  Goodbye Excess Baggage!

Ashtanga Yoga Retreat on the White Mountains (Crete): Goodbye Excess Baggage!

Posted by on Oct 17, 2020 in Greece Travel Diary, Methods, Random Thoughts

PhotoMan and I joined Nektarios’ Ashtanga Yoga Retreat on the White Mountains on the 18th to 21st of October, 2019. Took me exactly one year to blog it! Sitar Player + Crete = White Mountains Joining Nektarios Mitritsakis at his Ashtanga Yoga Retreat on the White Mountains was like fulfilling a prophecy. When my husband, […]

Looking through the Eyes of a Photographer

Looking through the Eyes of a Photographer

Posted by on Oct 3, 2020 in Random Thoughts

My husband whom I hero-named PhotoMan is a professional photographer. Whenever he needs an extra pair of hands, I work as his assistant.  After spending another corporate profile shoot observing people feeling awkward, I would like to share with you what the photographer is seeing. I will use ‘he’ since PhotoMan is the only photographer […]