Hello! I’m Stephanie.
Steps to stay away from depression from depression’s point of view

Steps to stay away from depression from depression’s point of view

Posted by on Sep 26, 2020 in My Magical World, Simple Wellness Techniques

Even though the title brings attention to depression, the suggestions given in this article can be helpful for anyone who wants to have more joy and peace in their lives. I debated whether to title it ‘Steps towards Happiness’ which highlights the destination and seems more appropriate for its positiveness. I decided against it because […]

Is Depression a ‘thing’?

Is Depression a ‘thing’?

My first encounter with Natural Healing Methods ‘Do you know you have depression?’ My Kinesiologist asked me after doing some checks in the Kinesiology way. At the time I had no idea what Kinesiology was or how it worked, even after reading everything from this Kinesiologist’s website several times. That was also my first encounter […]

Human Design Reading with Shivrael Luminance River

Human Design Reading with Shivrael Luminance River

Posted by on Sep 10, 2020 in Healing Methods, My Magical World

Recently I had a strong urge to listen to my Human Design reading recording. It’s been nearly 2 years since Shivrael Luminance River blew my mind with the accuracy of Human Design and her mind-reading power. She helped me to accept myself in a way that none other healing modalities had achieved. The mind often […]

Emotional Recovery Time: how to leave negative emotions behind as quickly as possible

Emotional Recovery Time: how to leave negative emotions behind as quickly as possible

Posted by on Sep 7, 2020 in Simple Wellness Techniques

 This article was first published at Healthy Living London which contains many great articles on all health related matters even for people who live outside London.  Much gratitude to Eliza Flynn for being the greatest editor! It’s normal for us to have negative reactions to things which happen to us, but how can we move on from them as quickly […]

Barbara Becker’s Star Energy Healing Tele-Conference

Barbara Becker’s Star Energy Healing Tele-Conference

Posted by on Jun 11, 2020 in Healing Methods

Barbara Becker and the Mathematical Star Language Barbara Becker is a highly respected healing practitioner amongst her peers. I was fortunate to get to know her through her generous sharing of knowledge and experience at Quantum Healers Support Forum.  What amazes me most about Barbara is the huge amount of love, sincerity and compassion in her […]

My story of Agios Christoforos (Saint Christopher)

My story of Agios Christoforos (Saint Christopher)

Meeting Agios Christoforos AKA Saint Christoper One day while heading to Arachova from Athens via the old road, our friend who kindly gave us a lift stopped at the Church of Agios Christoforos (Saint Christopher) to light a candle. He told us that Agios Christoforos was a patron saint for travellers and we did see […]

Irina Nola’s Inspirational Regression

Irina Nola’s Inspirational Regression

Posted by on Feb 24, 2020 in Healing Methods, My Magical World

Inspirational Regression by Irina Nola Amongst all the consciousness exploration type sessions that I have had, Irina Nola’s Inspirational Regression was my absolute favourite. Since I started practicing Dolores Cannon’s QHHT, I connected with my colleagues all over the world and I received over 20 sessions with different practitioners. I received much help and insights […]

Protection Techniques – Why and How

Protection Techniques – Why and How

Posted by on Jan 27, 2020 in Simple Wellness Techniques

 This article was first published at Healthy Living London which contains many great articles on all health related matters even for people who live outside London.  Much gratitude to Eliza Flynn for being the greatest editor! By now you would have heard of how wifi and other electromagnetic waves can affect our wellbeing even though we can’t […]

What Happened When You Were Fourteen?

What Happened When You Were Fourteen?

Posted by on Jan 10, 2020 in Healing Methods, Session Story

The following article was first published at QuantumHealers.com on the 22nd of February, 2018.  Anna* came to me on the recommendation of her friend who found my assistance helpful. She said the only thing she wanted changing was the way she treated her boyfriend. She said he was lovely, but she kept pushing him away […]

Ziros and Xerokampos (Eastern Crete)

Ziros and Xerokampos (Eastern Crete)

Posted by on Oct 3, 2019 in Greece Travel Diary, Learning to be Greek

PhotoMan and I continue to explore Crete our island (yes it’s ours!) and when we had a free weekend in August, we decided to visit the beaches at Xerokampos (or Xerokambos) which is in the south east corner of Crete. We stayed at a village called Ziros which is about half an hour’s drive from […]